我要咨询OCP 12c考试考3科,分别是071、062、063,之前071和062都已经做过解析,这里开始063题库解析,希望对考063的同学有帮助,顺利通过063考试。
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25题、Which three statements are true about Oracle Restart?
A. It can be configured to automatically attempt to restart various components after a hardware or software failure.
B. While starting any components, it automatically attempts to start all dependencies first and in properorder.
C. It can be configured to automatically restart a database in case of normal shutdown of the database instance.
D. It can be used to only start Oracle components.
E. It runs periodic check operations to monitor the health of Oracle components.
Answer: A,B,E
(解析:Oracle restart 功能是由 GI 提供,它是原来 10g RAC 的 CRS 软件的升级版,对里面的应用(也叫资源)进行保护,如果资源异常中断,会尝试重启,但是正常关闭的资源是不会尝试重启)